Foreign Editions

M.C. Beaton's works have been translated into 22 languages, and are being sold worldwide by a number of publishers.
Hamish Macbeth
All titles are published in the US by Grand Central, and in the UK by Constable (an imprint of Little Brown).
Selected titles are published by:
- France - Albin Michel
- Italy - Astoria
- Germany - Luebbe
- Poland – Jentas
- Hungary - Erawan
- Estonia - Tanapaev
- Netherlands - Saga Egmont
- Korea - Hyundae Munhak
- Japan - Bungeisha
Agatha Raisin
All titles are published in the US by St Martins Press, and in the UK by Constable (an imprint of Little Brown).
Selected titles are published by:
- France - Albin Michel
- Italy - Astoria
- Germany - Luebbe
- Spain - Salamandra
- Poland – Storyside
- Hungary - Erawan
- Estonia - Tanapaev
- Netherlands - Saga Egmont
- Sweden - Saga Egmont
- Finland - Saga Egmont
- Denmark - Redaktor/Politikens
- Norway - Vigmostad & Bjorke
- Japan - Hara Shobo
Historical Romances
All titles are published in the US by RosettaBooks, and in the UK by Constable (an imprint of Little Brown).
Selected titles are published by:
- France – Albin Michel
- Italy - Astoria
- Germany - Luebbe
- Portugal - Asa Leya
- Japan - Take Shobo
- Hungary - Lettero
- Sweden - Saga Egmont
For enquires about foreign rights, please see Foreign Rights.